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Dog Sport Skills Book Two: Motivation


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What’s It About?

In this second book in the “Dog Sports Skills” series, Authors Denise Fenzi and Deb Jones take an in-depth look at the topic of motivation.   They talk about what motivation is, and what it is not, along with an illuminating discussion of how a dog is unique in the animal world, and how educated trainers can use that to maximum advantage. They consider a range of options for motivating our dogs, and how a trainer can raise or lower the value of specific motivators to get the exact training effect that may be desired at a given time. Temperament is discussed as it relates to issues of motivation to help the reader understand the strong interplay between temperament, motivation and training decisions.

In addition to explaining how to use motivators in training, this book provides specific information on how to reduce their use so that you can eventually get into the competition ring!

Finally, they provide case studies – lots of them!  The purpose of the case studies is both to cement what the reader has learned in the first chapters and also to help the reader understand how to analyze specific situations and make a plan to apply the concepts.

A student who reads both this book and the first book in the series will begin to develop a deeper understanding of the author’s underlying philosophy and approach.  Each book is more than a stand-alone resource; they are pieces of a puzzle that will eventually weave into a tapestry of concepts, thoughts and applications that create both excellence in training and a very deep respect and understanding for another living being.

About the Author

 Denise is a professional dog trainer who specializes in building relationship in dog handler teams who compete in dog sports.  Her personal passions are Competitive Obedience, Schutzhund, and no force (motivational) dog training.  She teaches private lessons in Northern California and travels throughout North America teaching seminars on topics related to Dog Obedience and Building Drives and Motivation. Deborah Jones, Ph.D. developed the FOCUS program in 2003. This program is designed to help trainers form a good working relationship with their performance dogs. Deb has an academic background in learning theory and social behavior. She is also an innovator in the use of the clicker in dog training.

Published-  2014 The Dog Athlete


Ken Ramirez, biologist, animal behaviourist and 35+ year veteran of animal care and training, says; “ The authors have articulated their ideas with great clarity, scientific accuracy and plenty of good scientific accuracy and plenty of examples and analogies. Novice and experienced trainers alike will get a good deal of value from this book, and I would recommend this book for all trainers- it has value for the trainer of any animal in any setting, not just those participating in competition dog sports.”


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